Porn Site Reveals Interesting Stats About Console Wars

12 de septiembre de 2015, por Steve


Now, I regard myself as something of a lapsed gamer. The last game that I really got into was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, although my last outing saw me fall an agonising 2% short of getting 100% completion AND I’M NEVER PLAYING THE BASTARD AGAIN.

Ahem. So it’s fair to say that I probably don’t have a console that is equipped to surf porn on it. You certainly can’t do that on a SNES. But a lot of you obviously do and porn companies are sitting up and taking note of what console you have been browsing from!

According to this article, YouPorn have revealed that just over half the traffic to their site coming from a games console has come from PlayStation, with the Wii only accounting for 10% of traffic.

I’ve always been more of a Nintendo boy so this makes me a bit sad, although I’m not sure why. Mind you, I’d feel a bit wrong playing Mario Golf and then following it with some German Goo Girls….

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