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Teen Has to Strip on the Beach


Will you help me name my penis?
“We’re not supposed to be doing this,” Ashley whispered, even though there was no one else around. The other passengers were down at the surf line while Ashley and her sister Beth wandered near the far edge of the beach, close to the part where the sand ended and the deep jungle began. Their cruise ship sat idly off the coast, a glittering white vessel surrounded by blue-green water.
“But if they don’t catch us, it won’t matter,” Beth replied. She squatted down and ran her fingers over the soft sand, then stood up again and adjusted her bikini. It was the pink and green one, the one that showed tons of cleavage and barely covered her ass. Not that Beth needed to wear skimpy outfits to get attention—with her curly brown hair, big blue eyes, and killer body, men would’ve stared at her even if she was wearing a burlap sack with a head hole cut in it—but the 20-year-old loved teasing the boys, so she milked her hot body for all it was worth.
Her sister Ashley, on the other hand, barely got any attention from guys. She had just turned 18 but was still as slim and athletic as a young girl, with practically no curves at all. She had the same brown hair and blue eyes as Beth, but her face wasn’t nearly as pretty. She wore one-piece swimsuits and barely any makeup, and had spent most of the time during the cruise hiding under an umbrella by the pool with her nose stuck in a book.
Ashley shaded her eyes and stared at the other passengers to see what they were doing. About two dozen of them had come to the beach while the rest of the group went into town to shop for souvenirs. Ashley and Beth were already tired of the shabby island markets with their cheap trinkets and ugly t-shirts, so they went to explore the beach instead. It also gave them a chance to get away from their parents, who had smothered them with attention during their yearly family vacation. Now that Ashley and Beth were both in college, spending an entire week with their parents was the worst form of torture. Even the beauty of the Caribbean wasn’t enough of a distraction, because by now all the little islands looked exactly alike to the girls.
They had already seen tons of beaches, but this one was different. Their activity director told the group that this beach was home to a special type of hermit crab that lived in gorgeous red seashells only found in this area. The shells were beautiful, but also protected by local laws. Tourists could take photos of them if they spied one, but it was illegal to remove one from the beach. That didn’t stop Beth, though, who was determined to find one of the rare shells and sneak it back to the ship.
The older girl was wandering slowly with her hands on her hips, eyes down, scanning the sand for the red shells. Ashely watched her sister for a moment, insanely jealous of Beth’s g****fruit-sized tits and perfect ass, then she crossed her arms over her flat chest and walked in the opposite direction. Beth could do whatever she wanted, but Ashley was ready to go back to the ship. This stupid beach was boring. She was ready to dive back under that pool umbrella with her book, and—ouch! Ashley winced as she stepped on something hard and spiky. She peered down and saw a torpedo-shaped red shell half-buried in the sand, its pointed end sticking up.
Ashley looked back over her shoulder. Beth was twenty feet away, facing the opposite direction. If she called to her sister, everybody else in the group—including the ship’s activities director and the local guide who had met them at the beach—would know what they were up to. Besides, Ashley didn’t want to be an accessory to something illegal. Beth could steal as many protected shells as she wanted, but there was no way Ashley was going to point them out to her older sister.
The girl had carried her phone with her to take pictures. Trying not to draw attention, she aimed it at the sand, zoomed in, and snapped off several photos of the shell.
“What are you doing?” Beth asked.
Ashely jumped, because she hadn’t heard the other girl come up behind her. “Nothing. I just—”
“Nothing my ass!” Beth said, roughly pushing her sister aside. “Holy shit, you found one! Were you gonna keep it for yourself and not even tell me about it? I can’t believe you!”
“Keep your voice down,” Ashley warned, but it was too late. A few people from the group were peering over to see what the girls were up to.
“Here, stand in front of me,” Beth ordered, taking her sister by the arms and arranging her like a human wall. “Pretend I’m adjusting my bikini or something.” Beth ducked behind her sister, fiddled with the waistband of her bikini bottoms, then squatted down and grabbed the shell. When she stood up again, it was clutched tightly in her fist.
The activities director, a short middle-aged man named Bob who wore white shorts and a white t-shirt, had wandered in their direction. “Everything okay, girls?” he called out.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Beth replied, flashing a smile as she stepped out from behind Ashley. “Just got a little sand in my swimsuit, that’s all.”
“Well, come join the group,” the man said. “It’s time to head back.”
Beth giggled as she and Ashley followed after him. “This is so fucking cool!”
“If anybody notices—”
“Just shut up, okay? Nobody’s gonna see it!”
But as they reached the group, a chill went down Ashley’s spine. The local guide, a young dark-skinned islander named Melvin, was asking the passengers to turn their pockets inside-out before they boarded the small shuttle boat that would take them back to the ship. “My apologies, friends,” he said with an embarrassed grin, “but we can’t have any of our beloved shells following you home.”
“Fucking shit!” Beth mumbled. The shell was so long that its pointy end poked out of her fist. There was no way to hide all of it, even if she kept her fist closed. And if Melvin asked her to open her hands, she was dead for sure. “Here, you take it,” she told Ashley, bumping her closed fist into her sister’s leg.
“No way!” Ashley hissed under her breath.
“Come on! I don’t have any place to put it!”
“Neither do I! Just drop it and kick some sand over it. There’s no way to sneak it onboard!”
But instead, Beth huffed and shoved the shell down the back of her bikini bottom. It was shaped roughly like a tube of lipstick and stood out clearly beneath the thin fabric, but Beth put her hands behind her back and did her best to hide the obvious bulge.
Melvin gave each passenger a quick, friendly inspection then smiled and thanked each one. His smile grew extra wide when he reached Beth, the young man’s eyes crawling all over the girl’s exposed skin. “Okay girls, no bags, no pockets, nothing in your hands?” Beth and Ashley both shook their heads and held out their hands, palms up. The guide nodded and was about to turn away when he stopped and frowned. It was impossible to ignore Beth’s firm, peach-shaped ass inside the skimpy bikini, but there was something odd about it as well. “I’m sorry, miss, but could you please turn around?”
Beth blinked and swallowed hard. “Wh-why?” The guide leaned forward and tried to peer behind the girl’s back, but Beth backed away from him. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” she stammered. “Are you some kind of pervert?”
“What’s that in your bathing suit, miss?” the guide asked, his smile gone now.
Beth snorted. “Don’t you wish you knew! Now get away from me before—”
“Is there a problem?” Bob asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked from Beth to the guide.
Melvin ignored the activities director, then shouted Hey! so loud that Beth and Ashley both jumped. He was looking past them and waving an arm in the air, trying to get someone’s attention. The sisters turned and saw another young islander, this one wearing a khaki uniform, jogging toward them from the small security hut at the dock where the shuttle boat was tied off. He was some type of guard, and sand flew up behind his feet as he dashed toward the girls. When he reached the group, Melvin rattled off something in his island language while pointing at Beth’s ass the whole time.
The security guard frowned at Beth. “You taking something from the beach?” he asked in a heavy accent. “No taking shells. It’s forbidden.”
“You’re both crazy!” Beth said. “I don’t have anything!”
The security guard twirled a finger in a circular motion. “Turn around so we can make sure.”
“No way! This is outrageous! I’m gonna get you both fired for this!”
Ashley leaned toward her sister and muttered, “Just do it, for god’s sake!”
Now the security guard looked at Ashley. “You know something about it? This girl stealing shells?”
“Mom and dad are gonna kill you!” Ashley told her sister. “Just do what they say!”
Beth rolled her eyes and flapped her hands in the air. “Fine! Whatever!” She shoved a hand down the back of her bikini bottoms and yanked out the shell, then threw it on the sand at the guard’s feet. “There! Now you’ve got your stupid shell back! Are you happy now?”
Both Melvin and the security guard had grim looks on their faces. “This is very serious,” the security guard said. The guide nodded and added, “The fine for stealing shells from this beach is very high. Do you have the money to pay it?”
“But I didn’t steal anything!” Beth shouted, pointing at the ground. “There’s your damn shell right there!”
Bob raised both hands, palms out. “Please, gentleman, can’t we forget about this now that she’s returned the shell?” He cast a nervous glance at the rest of the cruise ship’s passengers, who stood in a cluster a few yards away. Some shook their heads in disbelief while others just chuckled at Beth’s stupidity.
“You might not take this seriously, but we do,” Melvin answered. “These shells are protected by law. If you steal one, you pay a fine.”
“But she didn’t actually remove it from the beach,” the activities director pointed out.
“How do we know you don’t have more?” Melvin asked Beth.
“Because I don’t, you idiot!”
“Beth, shut up!” Ashley hissed.
“We need to search you,” Melvin said.
Beth’s eyes opened wide. “No fucking way!”
Melvin and the security guard had a short, rapid-fire conversation in the local language, then Melvin repeated, “We need to search you. If not, we’ll have to call the police. Then you will be arrested, and you will definitely have to pay the fine before you’re allowed to leave the island.”
The activities director laughed nervously. “Come on, guys, can’t you give her a break? Our ship is supposed to leave in four hours.”
“If she has no more shells, she can leave right now,” Melvin said.
Bob shook his head and sighed. “I don’t think you have a choice,” he told Beth.
“Again, no fucking way!”
“Just do it!” Ashley barked, ready for the ordeal to be over.
Melvin turned to the security guard. “Call the police. We can’t do this all day.”
The guard nodded and pulled out his cell phone, but Beth yelled Stop! She stared at the sand, her mind reeling. There was no way she was allowing these creeps to haul her off to some island jail. Who knew what would happen once she got there? And how long would she have to wait until her parents came to bail her out? She might spend hours sitting there in her bikini while the police drooled over her the entire time. Plus, her mom and dad would absolutely kill her for this. Better to get it over with now and get back to the ship before the situation got a lot worse.
Beth ran both hands through her dark hair then said, “Okay, you win.” She held her arms over her head and turned in a slow circle, giving Melvin and the guard a good look at her body. Both men had open lust in their eyes, and the other passengers from the ship were enjoying the view of Beth’s body as well. “See? There’s nothing else.”
Melvin laughed bitterly. “You’re asking us to trust you? Like I said, you must be searched.”
“But I don’t—where would I hide anything? Look at me, you can see I don’t have any more of your stupid shells!”
“Hands over your head again,” the guard ordered, in a voice so sharp that Beth obeyed without hesitating. “Now turn around.” The girl turned her back to him, and the guard squatted down and put both hands on one of Beth’s ankles then dragged them slowly upward. “Hey! Cut it out!” she bawled, looking back over her shoulder. “I’m wearing a fucking bikini, for god’s sake! You can see my whole fucking body!”
The guard ignored her, running his hands all the way up her thighs until the fingers of one hand were pressed to the warm spot between her legs. Beth yelped in surprise, but then the guard switched legs and started at the other ankle, once again sliding his hands all the way up Beth’s leg until one hand was rubbing the girl’s pussy through the thin material of her bikini. Then he stood up and put his hands on Beth’s waist, barking out “Stand still!” when she flinched. The girl stood there shivering as the guard ran his hands up her sides then over her tits, pausing to give each one a rough squeeze.
“Turn around!” the guard bellowed, and Beth obeyed. Her lip quivered as she stood there facing the men and the two dozen other passengers from the ship, not to mention her kid sister. But Ashley didn’t seem bothered at all, and was actually thrilled to see her stuck-up sister humiliated in public like this.
The guard looked Beth in the eye and barked, “Now strip!”
Beth’s arms flew down to cover herself. “What?!”
“Gentlemen, please—” Bob stammered.
“She could have more shells tucked away somewhere,” Melvin said. “We must be certain.”
“No!” Beth yelled, tears in her eyes now. “I’m not doing it!”
Melvin sighed, looking almost bored now. “If you’re arrested, the police will do it themselves. They will take your swimsuit away for inspection, and you will probably sit in your cell naked for the rest of the day. Would you prefer that instead?”
Beth looked at Bob, pleading, but the little man only shrugged. He had been watching the girl flounce around in her bikini for days, and the thought of seeing her naked was already making him hard. Beth then turned to her sister, but Ashley shrugged too and said, “Do you really want to go to jail? Just show them you don’t have any more shells so we can get back on the damn boat.”
Oh my god. I can’t believe I’m doing this! Fighting back tears, Beth slowly peeled off her bikini top. She kept one arm over her tits, though, then used the other hand to push her bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Melvin, Bob, and the others caught a glimpse of her dark bush before she clamped a hand over it, then the girl angrily kicked her swimsuit across the sand toward the men.
“There!” she spat, still covering her naked body with her arms. “Search it all you want! I don’t have any damn hidden pockets!”
The guard chuckled under his breath. “Don’t need to search your bathing suit. I need to search you. My brother works at the airport. I know all the places people smuggle drugs. You could smuggle shells the same way.”
That made Beth laugh too, but it came out sounding hysterical. “Are you joking? You think I’d shove a seashell up my tw*t or something? Are you people totally out of your fucking minds?”
“Arms above your head again,” the guard ordered. When Beth hesitated, he pointed a finger at her face and shouted “Now!”
Beth’s jaw dropped and she raised her arms like the guard had just pointed a gun at her. Every man on the beach, including the other passengers who stood a few yards away, sighed when they saw her naked body totally exposed. Beth’s heavy tits were pale compared to the tanned skin around them, topped with large pink nipples. Her dark bush was clipped short, just a thin line of hair covering her pussy.
“Now jump,” the guard ordered.
“Jump? Why?”
“To shake loose anything you’ve got tucked away. Do it.”
Tears streaming down her face now, Beth began jumping up and down on the sand. Her big tits jiggled and bounced, and every man on the beach was suddenly so hard they had to fight to hide their erections. Then the guard ordered Beth to turn around and jump some more, giving the men a perfect view of her round, firm ass, which was just as pale as her tits.
“Now bend over. Reach back and spread your cheeks.”
“What? No!”
“Do it!”
Beth did as she was told, but she was so humiliated she could die. She couldn’t believe she was standing there spreading her ass cheeks in front of two dozen people, all of whom had a clear view of her exposed pussy and ass now. The guard came closer then bent down until his face was only a few inches away. He studied Beth’s naked crotch for a few seconds then grunted and stood up again.
“C-can I please stop doing this?” the girl begged. When the guard nodded, Beth stood up straight again and wrapped her arms around her naked body like she’d done before. She looked at Melvin. “Is he finished?”
The guide exchanged a few words with the security guard, who shrugged and nodded. “He says he’s done.”
“Thank god!” Beth blurted. “Ashley, give me my bathing suit!”
“Get it yourself,” her sister muttered. Ashley was actually sad the whole ordeal was over so fast. She had enjoyed seeing her big sister brought down to size for a change.
“You little b*tch!” Beth snarled. “I ought to kick your ass for this!” She wiped the tears angrily from her face then bent to pick up her bikini, but Ashley reached down and grabbed it first. “What the hell are you doing?” Beth wailed. “Give me that!”
“Go fetch it,” Ashley said, throwing the bikini as hard as she could toward the water. It only sailed a dozen feet before the two pieces fluttered to the sand, but Beth still gasped and ran after it. Melvin, the guard, and all the guests from the ship watched as the girl stumbled across the sand, big tits bouncing again as she desperately chased her bikini. She sn*tched the bottoms up first, but they had gotten turned inside out and she fumbled with them before she was finally able to step into them and yank them all the way up. But the suit’s crotch was full of sand, and Beth cried out in pain as the gritty bikini bottom rubbed against her bare pussy. Fighting back fresh tears, she held the bikini top at arm’s length and flapped it back and forth, sending loose sand flying. This made her big tits jiggle once again, even though she tried to cover them with her free arm. When most of the sand was out of the top, Beth wrestled her way into it. But her movements were so fast and frantic that one of the shoulder straps broke, and she had to keep one hand clamped over her left tit to keep the fabric in place.
Beth stomped back to her sister, her mouth a grim line. “You’ll pay for that,” she muttered.
“Please, girls, don’t fight,” Bob said. “It’s all over. Let’s just get back on the ship now and forget about it.”
“These two are sisters, yes?” Melvin asked.
“They are,” Bob confirmed.
Melvin motioned to Beth. “I even saw this one try to slip a shell to the other one before I searched her.”
Melvin and the guard both stared at Ashley, whose eyes suddenly grew wide. “Then we need to be thorough,” Melvin said with a grin. “You better search this one, too.”
A smile spread across the guard’s face as well as he turned to Ashley. “Miss, please remove your swimsuit.”


Will you help me name my penis?
“We’re not supposed to be doing this,” Ashley whispered, even though there was no one else around. The other passengers were down at the surf line while Ashley and her sister Beth wandered near the far edge of the beach, close to the part where the sand ended and the deep jungle began. Their cruise ship sat idly off the coast, a glittering white vessel surrounded by blue-green water.
“But if they don’t catch us, it won’t matter,” Beth replied. She squatted down and ran her fingers over the soft sand, then stood up again and adjusted her bikini. It was the pink and green one, the one that showed tons of cleavage and barely covered her ass. Not that Beth needed to wear skimpy outfits to get attention—with her curly brown hair, big blue eyes, and killer body, men would’ve stared at her even if she was wearing a burlap sack with a head hole cut in it—but the 20-year-old loved teasing the boys, so she milked her hot body for all it was worth.
Her sister Ashley, on the other hand, barely got any attention from guys. She had just turned 18 but was still as slim and athletic as a young girl, with practically no curves at all. She had the same brown hair and blue eyes as Beth, but her face wasn’t nearly as pretty. She wore one-piece swimsuits and barely any makeup, and had spent most of the time during the cruise hiding under an umbrella by the pool with her nose stuck in a book.
Ashley shaded her eyes and stared at the other passengers to see what they were doing. About two dozen of them had come to the beach while the rest of the group went into town to shop for souvenirs. Ashley and Beth were already tired of the shabby island markets with their cheap trinkets and ugly t-shirts, so they went to explore the beach instead. It also gave them a chance to get away from their parents, who had smothered them with attention during their yearly family vacation. Now that Ashley and Beth were both in college, spending an entire week with their parents was the worst form of torture. Even the beauty of the Caribbean wasn’t enough of a distraction, because by now all the little islands looked exactly alike to the girls.
They had already seen tons of beaches, but this one was different. Their activity director told the group that this beach was home to a special type of hermit crab that lived in gorgeous red seashells only found in this area. The shells were beautiful, but also protected by local laws. Tourists could take photos of them if they spied one, but it was illegal to remove one from the beach. That didn’t stop Beth, though, who was determined to find one of the rare shells and sneak it back to the ship.
The older girl was wandering slowly with her hands on her hips, eyes down, scanning the sand for the red shells. Ashely watched her sister for a moment, insanely jealous of Beth’s g****fruit-sized tits and perfect ass, then she crossed her arms over her flat chest and walked in the opposite direction. Beth could do whatever she wanted, but Ashley was ready to go back to the ship. This stupid beach was boring. She was ready to dive back under that pool umbrella with her book, and—ouch! Ashley winced as she stepped on something hard and spiky. She peered down and saw a torpedo-shaped red shell half-buried in the sand, its pointed end sticking up.
Ashley looked back over her shoulder. Beth was twenty feet away, facing the opposite direction. If she called to her sister, everybody else in the group—including the ship’s activities director and the local guide who had met them at the beach—would know what they were up to. Besides, Ashley didn’t want to be an accessory to something illegal. Beth could steal as many protected shells as she wanted, but there was no way Ashley was going to point them out to her older sister.
The girl had carried her phone with her to take pictures. Trying not to draw attention, she aimed it at the sand, zoomed in, and snapped off several photos of the shell.
“What are you doing?” Beth asked.
Ashely jumped, because she hadn’t heard the other girl come up behind her. “Nothing. I just—”
“Nothing my ass!” Beth said, roughly pushing her sister aside. “Holy shit, you found one! Were you gonna keep it for yourself and not even tell me about it? I can’t believe you!”
“Keep your voice down,” Ashley warned, but it was too late. A few people from the group were peering over to see what the girls were up to.
“Here, stand in front of me,” Beth ordered, taking her sister by the arms and arranging her like a human wall. “Pretend I’m adjusting my bikini or something.” Beth ducked behind her sister, fiddled with the waistband of her bikini bottoms, then squatted down and grabbed the shell. When she stood up again, it was clutched tightly in her fist.
The activities director, a short middle-aged man named Bob who wore white shorts and a white t-shirt, had wandered in their direction. “Everything okay, girls?” he called out.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Beth replied, flashing a smile as she stepped out from behind Ashley. “Just got a little sand in my swimsuit, that’s all.”
“Well, come join the group,” the man said. “It’s time to head back.”
Beth giggled as she and Ashley followed after him. “This is so fucking cool!”
“If anybody notices—”
“Just shut up, okay? Nobody’s gonna see it!”
But as they reached the group, a chill went down Ashley’s spine. The local guide, a young dark-skinned islander named Melvin, was asking the passengers to turn their pockets inside-out before they boarded the small shuttle boat that would take them back to the ship. “My apologies, friends,” he said with an embarrassed grin, “but we can’t have any of our beloved shells following you home.”
“Fucking shit!” Beth mumbled. The shell was so long that its pointy end poked out of her fist. There was no way to hide all of it, even if she kept her fist closed. And if Melvin asked her to open her hands, she was dead for sure. “Here, you take it,” she told Ashley, bumping her closed fist into her sister’s leg.
“No way!” Ashley hissed under her breath.
“Come on! I don’t have any place to put it!”
“Neither do I! Just drop it and kick some sand over it. There’s no way to sneak it onboard!”
But instead, Beth huffed and shoved the shell down the back of her bikini bottom. It was shaped roughly like a tube of lipstick and stood out clearly beneath the thin fabric, but Beth put her hands behind her back and did her best to hide the obvious bulge.
Melvin gave each passenger a quick, friendly inspection then smiled and thanked each one. His smile grew extra wide when he reached Beth, the young man’s eyes crawling all over the girl’s exposed skin. “Okay girls, no bags, no pockets, nothing in your hands?” Beth and Ashley both shook their heads and held out their hands, palms up. The guide nodded and was about to turn away when he stopped and frowned. It was impossible to ignore Beth’s firm, peach-shaped ass inside the skimpy bikini, but there was something odd about it as well. “I’m sorry, miss, but could you please turn around?”
Beth blinked and swallowed hard. “Wh-why?” The guide leaned forward and tried to peer behind the girl’s back, but Beth backed away from him. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” she stammered. “Are you some kind of pervert?”
“What’s that in your bathing suit, miss?” the guide asked, his smile gone now.
Beth snorted. “Don’t you wish you knew! Now get away from me before—”
“Is there a problem?” Bob asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked from Beth to the guide.
Melvin ignored the activities director, then shouted Hey! so loud that Beth and Ashley both jumped. He was looking past them and waving an arm in the air, trying to get someone’s attention. The sisters turned and saw another young islander, this one wearing a khaki uniform, jogging toward them from the small security hut at the dock where the shuttle boat was tied off. He was some type of guard, and sand flew up behind his feet as he dashed toward the girls. When he reached the group, Melvin rattled off something in his island language while pointing at Beth’s ass the whole time.
The security guard frowned at Beth. “You taking something from the beach?” he asked in a heavy accent. “No taking shells. It’s forbidden.”
“You’re both crazy!” Beth said. “I don’t have anything!”
The security guard twirled a finger in a circular motion. “Turn around so we can make sure.”
“No way! This is outrageous! I’m gonna get you both fired for this!”
Ashley leaned toward her sister and muttered, “Just do it, for god’s sake!”
Now the security guard looked at Ashley. “You know something about it? This girl stealing shells?”
“Mom and dad are gonna kill you!” Ashley told her sister. “Just do what they say!”
Beth rolled her eyes and flapped her hands in the air. “Fine! Whatever!” She shoved a hand down the back of her bikini bottoms and yanked out the shell, then threw it on the sand at the guard’s feet. “There! Now you’ve got your stupid shell back! Are you happy now?”
Both Melvin and the security guard had grim looks on their faces. “This is very serious,” the security guard said. The guide nodded and added, “The fine for stealing shells from this beach is very high. Do you have the money to pay it?”
“But I didn’t steal anything!” Beth shouted, pointing at the ground. “There’s your damn shell right there!”
Bob raised both hands, palms out. “Please, gentleman, can’t we forget about this now that she’s returned the shell?” He cast a nervous glance at the rest of the cruise ship’s passengers, who stood in a cluster a few yards away. Some shook their heads in disbelief while others just chuckled at Beth’s stupidity.
“You might not take this seriously, but we do,” Melvin answered. “These shells are protected by law. If you steal one, you pay a fine.”
“But she didn’t actually remove it from the beach,” the activities director pointed out.
“How do we know you don’t have more?” Melvin asked Beth.
“Because I don’t, you idiot!”
“Beth, shut up!” Ashley hissed.
“We need to search you,” Melvin said.
Beth’s eyes opened wide. “No fucking way!”
Melvin and the security guard had a short, rapid-fire conversation in the local language, then Melvin repeated, “We need to search you. If not, we’ll have to call the police. Then you will be arrested, and you will definitely have to pay the fine before you’re allowed to leave the island.”
The activities director laughed nervously. “Come on, guys, can’t you give her a break? Our ship is supposed to leave in four hours.”
“If she has no more shells, she can leave right now,” Melvin said.
Bob shook his head and sighed. “I don’t think you have a choice,” he told Beth.
“Again, no fucking way!”
“Just do it!” Ashley barked, ready for the ordeal to be over.
Melvin turned to the security guard. “Call the police. We can’t do this all day.”
The guard nodded and pulled out his cell phone, but Beth yelled Stop! She stared at the sand, her mind reeling. There was no way she was allowing these creeps to haul her off to some island jail. Who knew what would happen once she got there? And how long would she have to wait until her parents came to bail her out? She might spend hours sitting there in her bikini while the police drooled over her the entire time. Plus, her mom and dad would absolutely kill her for this. Better to get it over with now and get back to the ship before the situation got a lot worse.
Beth ran both hands through her dark hair then said, “Okay, you win.” She held her arms over her head and turned in a slow circle, giving Melvin and the guard a good look at her body. Both men had open lust in their eyes, and the other passengers from the ship were enjoying the view of Beth’s body as well. “See? There’s nothing else.”
Melvin laughed bitterly. “You’re asking us to trust you? Like I said, you must be searched.”
“But I don’t—where would I hide anything? Look at me, you can see I don’t have any more of your stupid shells!”
“Hands over your head again,” the guard ordered, in a voice so sharp that Beth obeyed without hesitating. “Now turn around.” The girl turned her back to him, and the guard squatted down and put both hands on one of Beth’s ankles then dragged them slowly upward. “Hey! Cut it out!” she bawled, looking back over her shoulder. “I’m wearing a fucking bikini, for god’s sake! You can see my whole fucking body!”
The guard ignored her, running his hands all the way up her thighs until the fingers of one hand were pressed to the warm spot between her legs. Beth yelped in surprise, but then the guard switched legs and started at the other ankle, once again sliding his hands all the way up Beth’s leg until one hand was rubbing the girl’s pussy through the thin material of her bikini. Then he stood up and put his hands on Beth’s waist, barking out “Stand still!” when she flinched. The girl stood there shivering as the guard ran his hands up her sides then over her tits, pausing to give each one a rough squeeze.
“Turn around!” the guard bellowed, and Beth obeyed. Her lip quivered as she stood there facing the men and the two dozen other passengers from the ship, not to mention her kid sister. But Ashley didn’t seem bothered at all, and was actually thrilled to see her stuck-up sister humiliated in public like this.
The guard looked Beth in the eye and barked, “Now strip!”
Beth’s arms flew down to cover herself. “What?!”
“Gentlemen, please—” Bob stammered.
“She could have more shells tucked away somewhere,” Melvin said. “We must be certain.”
“No!” Beth yelled, tears in her eyes now. “I’m not doing it!”
Melvin sighed, looking almost bored now. “If you’re arrested, the police will do it themselves. They will take your swimsuit away for inspection, and you will probably sit in your cell naked for the rest of the day. Would you prefer that instead?”
Beth looked at Bob, pleading, but the little man only shrugged. He had been watching the girl flounce around in her bikini for days, and the thought of seeing her naked was already making him hard. Beth then turned to her sister, but Ashley shrugged too and said, “Do you really want to go to jail? Just show them you don’t have any more shells so we can get back on the damn boat.”
Oh my god. I can’t believe I’m doing this! Fighting back tears, Beth slowly peeled off her bikini top. She kept one arm over her tits, though, then used the other hand to push her bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Melvin, Bob, and the others caught a glimpse of her dark bush before she clamped a hand over it, then the girl angrily kicked her swimsuit across the sand toward the men.
“There!” she spat, still covering her naked body with her arms. “Search it all you want! I don’t have any damn hidden pockets!”
The guard chuckled under his breath. “Don’t need to search your bathing suit. I need to search you. My brother works at the airport. I know all the places people smuggle drugs. You could smuggle shells the same way.”
That made Beth laugh too, but it came out sounding hysterical. “Are you joking? You think I’d shove a seashell up my tw*t or something? Are you people totally out of your fucking minds?”
“Arms above your head again,” the guard ordered. When Beth hesitated, he pointed a finger at her face and shouted “Now!”
Beth’s jaw dropped and she raised her arms like the guard had just pointed a gun at her. Every man on the beach, including the other passengers who stood a few yards away, sighed when they saw her naked body totally exposed. Beth’s heavy tits were pale compared to the tanned skin around them, topped with large pink nipples. Her dark bush was clipped short, just a thin line of hair covering her pussy.
“Now jump,” the guard ordered.
“Jump? Why?”
“To shake loose anything you’ve got tucked away. Do it.”
Tears streaming down her face now, Beth began jumping up and down on the sand. Her big tits jiggled and bounced, and every man on the beach was suddenly so hard they had to fight to hide their erections. Then the guard ordered Beth to turn around and jump some more, giving the men a perfect view of her round, firm ass, which was just as pale as her tits.
“Now bend over. Reach back and spread your cheeks.”
“What? No!”
“Do it!”
Beth did as she was told, but she was so humiliated she could die. She couldn’t believe she was standing there spreading her ass cheeks in front of two dozen people, all of whom had a clear view of her exposed pussy and ass now. The guard came closer then bent down until his face was only a few inches away. He studied Beth’s naked crotch for a few seconds then grunted and stood up again.
“C-can I please stop doing this?” the girl begged. When the guard nodded, Beth stood up straight again and wrapped her arms around her naked body like she’d done before. She looked at Melvin. “Is he finished?”
The guide exchanged a few words with the security guard, who shrugged and nodded. “He says he’s done.”
“Thank god!” Beth blurted. “Ashley, give me my bathing suit!”
“Get it yourself,” her sister muttered. Ashley was actually sad the whole ordeal was over so fast. She had enjoyed seeing her big sister brought down to size for a change.
“You little b*tch!” Beth snarled. “I ought to kick your ass for this!” She wiped the tears angrily from her face then bent to pick up her bikini, but Ashley reached down and grabbed it first. “What the hell are you doing?” Beth wailed. “Give me that!”
“Go fetch it,” Ashley said, throwing the bikini as hard as she could toward the water. It only sailed a dozen feet before the two pieces fluttered to the sand, but Beth still gasped and ran after it. Melvin, the guard, and all the guests from the ship watched as the girl stumbled across the sand, big tits bouncing again as she desperately chased her bikini. She sn*tched the bottoms up first, but they had gotten turned inside out and she fumbled with them before she was finally able to step into them and yank them all the way up. But the suit’s crotch was full of sand, and Beth cried out in pain as the gritty bikini bottom rubbed against her bare pussy. Fighting back fresh tears, she held the bikini top at arm’s length and flapped it back and forth, sending loose sand flying. This made her big tits jiggle once again, even though she tried to cover them with her free arm. When most of the sand was out of the top, Beth wrestled her way into it. But her movements were so fast and frantic that one of the shoulder straps broke, and she had to keep one hand clamped over her left tit to keep the fabric in place.
Beth stomped back to her sister, her mouth a grim line. “You’ll pay for that,” she muttered.
“Please, girls, don’t fight,” Bob said. “It’s all over. Let’s just get back on the ship now and forget about it.”
“These two are sisters, yes?” Melvin asked.
“They are,” Bob confirmed.
Melvin motioned to Beth. “I even saw this one try to slip a shell to the other one before I searched her.”
Melvin and the guard both stared at Ashley, whose eyes suddenly grew wide. “Then we need to be thorough,” Melvin said with a grin. “You better search this one, too.”
A smile spread across the guard’s face as well as he turned to Ashley. “Miss, please remove your swimsuit.”